Master of Political Science Executive Program in Public Administration and Public Affairs (EPA)

               Amidst the changing environment, successful executives need to be proactive and always seek up-to-date information. Having the administrative knowledge is extremely important for it enables them to adapt and tackle new challenges effectively.

              The EPA programme seeks to respond to such needs and to allow students to become leaders in the globalization era who are well-informed in the knowledge of administrations, and of modern society, with its complexity and continuous changes. The teaching is a combination between lectures and discussion groups which help students to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge. Each subject is delivered by experts. Due to this teaching method, The EPA programme is highly popular as can be seen from over 1,000 students who have already graduated from this programme. Past graduates come from all walks of life, such as ministers, senior civil servants, politicians, journalists, bankers, businessmen, and executives of State-owned enterprises (SOEs).


Course Details


Teaching time and date:

Fridays 17.00 - 20.00 and Saturdays 9.00 - 16.00 (English classes will be on Saturdays from 17.00 - 20.00, except those who have fulfilled the TU-GET requirement.

Duration of the course:

40 weeks per academic year. Students are expected to graduate within two years.

Academic term:

First semester               August - December
Second semester           January - April
Summer semester          May - June

Study trips:

Students will have the opportunity to take part in study trips at least twice; once within Thailand and once abroad. The programme has brought its students to a number of countries, including South Korea, China, Egypt, Australia, Japan, and India.

Student intake:

50 - 60 each academic year.


Approximately 85,000 baths per year or 170,000 baths for the entire duration of the programme.

Application period:

January - April


Contact Information


Master of Political Science Executive Program in Public Administration and Public Affairs (EPA)

Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, Prachan Road, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10200

Telephone: 02-226-2440, 02-613-2325, 02-613-2343

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Interesting Activities from Recent Years


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